Stereo Images

CameraTransform comes with a basic functionality to use stereo rigs. To calibrate a stereo rig, point correspondences in both images are needed. Stereo rigs should have two cameras that have different positions and orientations in space.

We start with an example of two camera images:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

imA = plt.imread("StereoLeft.jpg")
imB = plt.imread("StereoRight.jpg")
The left stereo image

The left image of the stereo rig.

The right stereo image

The right image of the stereo rig.

Setting up

We assume that the internal parameters of the camera (lens distortion or projection) have already been obtained. We now start with creating two cameras that share the same projection and create a CameraGroup object of both.

import cameratransform as ct

cam1 = ct.Camera(ct.RectilinearProjection(focallength_px=3863.64, image=[4608, 2592]))
cam2 = ct.Camera(cam1.projection)

cam_group = ct.CameraGroup(cam1.projection, (cam1.orientation, cam2.orientation))

As a stereo setup cannot determine the length of objects in the scene if no length is provided, we have to define a baseline (distance between the two cameras). If the baseline is not known, it can be set to 1 and later the baseline can be scaled so that an object in the scene with known length has the right dimenstions.

baseline = 0.87

Now we define an initial guess of the parameters:

cam1.tilt_deg = 90
cam1.heading_deg = 35
cam1.roll_deg = 0
cam1.pos_x_m = 0
cam1.pos_y_m = 0
cam1.elevation_m = 0

cam2.tilt_deg = 90
cam2.heading_deg = -18
cam2.roll_deg = 0
cam2.pos_x_m = baseline
cam2.pos_y_m = 0
cam2.elevation_m = 0


To fit the relative orientations of the images, we need point correspondences. This is then added as information to the camera group.

import numpy as np
corresponding1 = np.array([[1035.19720133, 1752.47539918], [1191.16681219, 1674.08229634], [1342.64515152, 1595.28089609], [1487.18243488, 1525.87033629], [1623.55377003, 1456.86807389], [1753.39234661, 1391.94878561], [1881.18943613, 1331.92906624], [2002.45376709, 1275.17572617], [2119.63512393, 1220.46387315], [2229.46712739, 1167.79350718], [1132.21312835, 1106.84930585], [ 902.38609626, 1016.70756572], [1594.61961207,  628.61640974], [1794.85813404,  704.30794726], [1791.41760961,  663.70975895], [1956.56278237,  634.80935372], [2121.70795513,  600.40410939], [2288.22933766,  571.50370416], [2439.61241269,  544.66761359], [2583.42633397,  517.14341813], [2736.18561877,  488.93111778], [2876.55901561,  462.7831321 ], [3010.05136359,  437.3232513 ], [3144.23181646,  413.92768515], [3270.84311557,  393.28453856], [3393.32578537,  369.88897242], [2688.73357512, 1033.7464922 ], [2885.97789523, 1144.56386559], [3068.37586866, 1053.89510554], [2870.60132189,  952.09158548], [3237.51817542,  641.90898531], [3288.95016212,  879.98075878], [4105.49922925,  943.60795881], [3965.51938917,  692.28051867], [4037.41700677, 1135.08413333], [3253.6366414 , 1071.87603935], [3769.95210584, 1204.30954628], [4207.84687809, 1265.15387253], [3808.67122255, 1451.37438621], [3587.10046207, 1264.66938952], [3639.1604923 , 1353.23128002]])
corresponding2 = np.array([[ 352.50914077,  801.67993473], [ 460.08683446,  810.68133359], [ 570.95772285,  820.12182507], [ 682.48725018,  829.56231656], [ 797.35908021,  838.80579923], [ 908.18086062,  848.66284585], [1020.80811952,  858.76197628], [1135.19174893,  870.61747721], [1249.57537835,  882.03388552], [1365.71537827,  893.45029383], [ 911.70331034,  537.73870329], [ 956.46082091,  454.7508191 ], [1718.73717286,  432.37206381], [1706.61534708,  518.62351648], [2062.64027012,  573.54205381], [2203.84185338,  600.78475058], [2355.65939432,  631.55257909], [2518.58129093,  665.72644033], [2673.15840747,  699.10556061], [2837.669786  ,  733.27942185], [3018.47335419,  768.64539453], [3202.45588621,  807.58770152], [3386.83578872,  844.9405266 ], [3584.72628753,  889.04864983], [3786.59049113,  932.3620321 ], [3991.63365858,  976.47015533], [2525.23601839, 1218.44516641], [2474.07408151, 1366.28811638], [2773.14569785, 1406.5405226 ], [2806.62667125, 1256.44042836], [3392.99303531, 1137.69520116], [2908.10263735, 1298.38150822], [3615.97183145, 1832.82274977], [4128.46912797, 1593.56296216], [3558.36872853, 2064.51618063], [2885.45082314, 1509.32652806], [3106.67717295, 1903.49557987], [3439.6617577 , 2276.44773767], [2628.22670423, 2051.78724561], [2789.70873377, 1806.36653735], [2665.39954766, 1885.90842814]])

cam_group.addPointCorrespondenceInformation(corresponding1, corresponding2)

We can now run a metropolis sampling to obtain the parameters for the fit. The setup has 5 degrees of freedom (in total 6, but we have fixed one already with the baseline). We keep the tilt of the first camera constant, as this tilt and the direction of the baseline define the orientation of the coordinate system in space.

trace = cam_group.metropolis([
        ct.FitParameter("C0_heading_deg", lower=0, upper=45, value=15),
        ct.FitParameter("C0_roll_deg", lower=-5, upper=5, value=0),
        ct.FitParameter("C1_tilt_deg", lower=45, upper=135, value=85),
        ct.FitParameter("C1_heading_deg", lower=-45, upper=0, value=-15),
        ct.FitParameter("C1_roll_deg", lower=-5, upper=5, value=0)
    ], iterations=1e6)
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 1000000/1000000 [36:55<00:00, 451.28it/s, acc_rate=0.37, factor=0.00363]

The result can be saved to a csv file:

trace[::100].to_csv("trace_stereo.csv", index=False)

And loaded again:

import pandas as pd
trace = pd.read_csv("trace_stereo.csv")

And the traces can be ploted:



This section will use point correspondences in a stereo rig to measure distances. We define the start points and the end points of the distances we want to measure in both images:

points1_start = np.array([[4186.75025841, 1275.33146571], [2331.92641872, 1019.27786453], [2001.20914719,  644.51861935], [1133.13081198, 1109.00803712], [ 900.20742144, 1016.83613865], [3287.47982902,  882.47189246], [3965.52607095,  693.78282123], [2689.04269923, 1033.94065467], [2889.82546079, 1144.44899631]])
points1_end = np.array([[3833.11271185, 1441.03505624], [2234.96105241, 1095.94815417], [2141.25664041,  614.81157533], [1797.43541128,  705.61811479], [1594.1321895 ,  630.02825115], [4107.48373669,  942.87002974], [3238.54411195,  640.438481  ], [2868.55390207,  951.44851233], [3070.37430064, 1053.65575788]])

points2_start = np.array([[3390.15132692, 2262.6779465 ], [2312.57037143, 1067.65991742], [2112.03817032,  583.67614881], [ 910.64487701,  538.92782709], [ 955.7855831 ,  454.96068822], [2907.87901391, 1297.11142789], [4125.81321176, 1596.76190514], [2524.07911816, 1219.84947435], [2472.59638039, 1365.81424465]])
points2_end = np.array([[2674.06029559, 2066.93032418], [2136.89506898, 1071.98893465], [2200.59552941,  598.28354825], [1706.9610645 ,  517.94260225], [1718.87393798,  432.45627336], [3612.29928906, 1832.37417555], [3393.60277139, 1137.62004484], [2807.91089842, 1255.11024902], [2773.34835691, 1405.2303788 ]])

This allows to calculate the 3D points of the start and end points and measure the distance between them:

points_start_3D = cam_group.spaceFromImages(points1_start, points2_start)
points_end_3D = cam_group.spaceFromImages(points1_end, points2_end)

distances = np.linalg.norm(points_end_3D-points_start_3D, axis=-1)
[0.13885105 0.04962405 0.03691601 0.21049065 0.21220163 0.21331054
 0.21138547 0.07524718 0.0751257 ]

If we do not know the baseline of the camera rig, we can now use one of those distances to scale the setup:

# the first distance is known to be 14cm
scale = 0.14/distances[0]
# we use this ratio to scale the space