Source code for CameraTransform.lens_distortion

import numpy as np
from .parameter_set import ClassWithParameterSet, ParameterSet, Parameter, TYPE_DISTORTION

def invert_function(x, func):
    from scipy import interpolate
    from scipy.interpolate import dfitpack
    y = func(x)
    dy = np.concatenate(([0], np.diff(y)))
    y = y[dy>=0]
    x = x[dy>=0]
        inter = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(y, x)
    # dfitpack.error
    except Exception: # pragma: no cover
        inter = lambda x: x
    return inter

class LensDistortion(ClassWithParameterSet):  # pragma: no cover
    offset = np.array([0, 0])
    scale = 1

    def __init__(self):
        self.parameters = ParameterSet()

    def imageFromDistorted(self, points):
        # return the points as they are
        return points

    def distortedFromImage(self, points):
        # return the points as they are
        return points

    def __str__(self):
        string = ""
        string += "  lens (%s):\n" % type(self).__name__
        for name in self.parameters.parameters:
            string += "    %s:\t\t%.3f\n" % (name, getattr(self, name))
        return string

    def setProjection(self, projection):

[docs]class NoDistortion(LensDistortion): """ The default model for the lens distortion which does nothing. """ pass
[docs]class BrownLensDistortion(LensDistortion): r""" The most common distortion model is the Brown's distortion model. In CameraTransform, we only consider the radial part of the model, as this covers all common cases and the merit of tangential components is disputed. This model relies on transforming the radius with even polynomial powers in the coefficients :math:`k_1, k_2, k_3`. This distortion model is e.g. also used by OpenCV or AgiSoft PhotoScan. Adjust scale and offset of x and y to be relative to the center: .. math:: x' &= \frac{x-c_x}{f_x}\\ y' &= \frac{y-c_y}{f_y} Transform the radius from the center with the distortion: .. math:: r &= \sqrt{x'^2 + y'^2}\\ r' &= r \cdot (1 + k_1 \cdot r^2 + k_2 \cdot r^4 + k_3 \cdot r^6)\\ x_\mathrm{distorted}' &= x' / r \cdot r'\\ y_\mathrm{distorted}' &= y' / r \cdot r' Readjust scale and offset to obtain again pixel coordinates: .. math:: x_\mathrm{distorted} &= x_\mathrm{distorted}' \cdot f_x + c_x\\ y_\mathrm{distorted} &= y_\mathrm{distorted}' \cdot f_y + c_y """ projection = None def __init__(self, k1=None, k2=None, k3=None, projection=None): self.parameters = ParameterSet( # the intrinsic parameters k1=Parameter(k1, default=0, range=(0, None), type=TYPE_DISTORTION), k2=Parameter(k2, default=0, range=(0, None), type=TYPE_DISTORTION), k3=Parameter(k3, default=0, range=(0, None), type=TYPE_DISTORTION), ) for name in self.parameters.parameters: self.parameters.parameters[name].callback = self._init_inverse self._init_inverse() def setProjection(self, projection): self.projection = projection self.parameters = ParameterSet( k1=self.parameters.parameters["k1"], k2=self.parameters.parameters["k2"], k3=self.parameters.parameters["k3"], image_width_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["image_width_px"], image_height_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["image_height_px"], focallength_x_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["focallength_x_px"], focallength_y_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["focallength_y_px"], center_x_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["center_x_px"], center_y_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["center_y_px"], ) for name in self.parameters.parameters: self.parameters.parameters[name].callback = self._init_inverse self._init_inverse() def _init_inverse(self): r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.1) self._convert_radius_inverse = invert_function(r, self._convert_radius) if self.projection is not None: self.scale = np.array([self.projection.focallength_x_px, self.projection.focallength_y_px]) self.offset = np.array([self.projection.center_x_px, self.projection.center_y_px]) def _convert_radius(self, r): return r*(1 + self.parameters.k1*r**2 + self.parameters.k2*r**4 + self.parameters.k3*r**6) def imageFromDistorted(self, points): # ensure that the points are provided as an array # and rescale the points to that the center is at 0 and the border at 1 points = (np.array(points)-self.offset)/self.scale # calculate the radius form the center r = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1)[..., None] # transform the points points = points / r * self._convert_radius_inverse(r) # set nans to 0 points[np.isnan(points)] = 0 # rescale back to the image return points * self.scale + self.offset def distortedFromImage(self, points): # ensure that the points are provided as an array # and rescale the points to that the center is at 0 and the border at 1 points = (np.array(points)-self.offset)/self.scale # calculate the radius form the center r = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1)[..., None] # transform the points points = points / r * self._convert_radius(r) # set nans to 0 points[np.isnan(points)] = 0 # rescale back to the image return points * self.scale + self.offset
[docs]class ABCDistortion(LensDistortion): r""" The ABC model is a less common distortion model, that just implements radial distortions. Here the radius is transformed using a polynomial of 4th order. It is used e.g. in PTGui. Adjust scale and offset of x and y to be relative to the center: .. math:: s &= 0.5 \cdot \mathrm{min}(\mathrm{im}_\mathrm{width}, \mathrm{im}_\mathrm{height})\\ x' &= \frac{x-c_x}{s}\\ y' &= \frac{y-c_y}{s} Transform the radius from the center with the distortion: .. math:: r &= \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\\ r' &= d \cdot r + c \cdot r^2 + b \cdot r^3 + a \cdot r^4\\ d &= 1 - a - b - c Readjust scale and offset to obtain again pixel coordinates: .. math:: x_\mathrm{distorted} &= x_\mathrm{distorted}' \cdot s + c_x\\ y_\mathrm{distorted} &= y_\mathrm{distorted}' \cdot s + c_y """ projection = None def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None): self.parameters = ParameterSet( # the intrinsic parameters a=Parameter(a, default=0, type=TYPE_DISTORTION), b=Parameter(b, default=0, type=TYPE_DISTORTION), c=Parameter(c, default=0, type=TYPE_DISTORTION) ) for name in self.parameters.parameters: self.parameters.parameters[name].callback = self._init_inverse self._init_inverse() def setProjection(self, projection): self.projection = projection self.parameters = ParameterSet( a=self.parameters.parameters["a"], b=self.parameters.parameters["b"], c=self.parameters.parameters["c"], image_width_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["image_width_px"], image_height_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["image_height_px"], focallength_x_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["focallength_x_px"], focallength_y_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["focallength_y_px"], center_x_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["center_x_px"], center_y_px=self.projection.parameters.parameters["center_y_px"], ) for name in self.parameters.parameters: self.parameters.parameters[name].callback = self._init_inverse self._init_inverse() def _init_inverse(self): self.d = 1 - self.a - self.b - self.c r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.1) self._convert_radius_inverse = invert_function(r, self._convert_radius) if self.projection is not None: self.scale = np.min([self.projection.image_width_px, self.projection.image_height_px]) / 2 self.offset = np.array([self.projection.center_x_px, self.projection.center_y_px]) def _convert_radius(self, r): return self.d * r + self.c * r**2 + self.b * r**3 + self.a * r**4 def imageFromDistorted(self, points): # ensure that the points are provided as an array # and rescale the points to that the center is at 0 and the border at 1 points = (np.array(points)-self.offset)/self.scale # calculate the radius form the center r = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1)[..., None] # transform the points points = points / r * self._convert_radius_inverse(r) # set nans to 0 points[np.isnan(points)] = 0 # rescale back to the image return points * self.scale + self.offset def distortedFromImage(self, points): # ensure that the points are provided as an array # and rescale the points to that the center is at 0 and the border at 1 points = (np.array(points)-self.offset)/self.scale # calculate the radius form the center r = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1)[..., None] # transform the points points = points / r * self._convert_radius(r) # set nans to 0 points[np.isnan(points)] = 0 # rescale back to the image return points * self.scale + self.offset